The benefits of LED lighting transcend nations, cultures, and levels of socioeconomic status. People living in the developing world are benefitting from replacing kerosene with safe LED lights so they can work at night and their children can do their homework without the risk of fire and inhaling toxic smoke. Commercial enterprises are reaping the benefits of safely and efficiently lighting their workplaces, manufacturing facilities, plants, warehouses, parking lots, and more while saving money at the same time.
In 2014 when the Nobel Prize Committee awarded Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura the Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of the light emitting diode or LED, it wasn’t just because these scientists had invented some really cool lights.
It was, in the words of the Committee, because LEDs “hold great promise for increasing the quality of life for over 1.5 billion people around the world who lack access to electricity grids.” And not only have LEDs transformed the lives of people in the developing world, commercial LED lighting is transforming businesses in a variety of ways.
While there are dozens of reasons why you should make the switch and ditch outdated traditional lighting at your facility (if you haven’t already), here are 16 advantages of LED lighting and why you should switch now:
1.LED lights last much longer than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.
2.LED lighting in commercial spaces offers big cost savings.
3.LED lights are extremely energy efficient.
4.LED lights emit very little heat.
5.LED lighting helps fight climate change.
6.LED lights are bright.
7.LED lighting is easily controllable.
8.LED lights come in a wide variety of colors.
9.LED lighting is versatile.
10.LED lights can be turned on and off quickly.
11.LED lighting produces very little ultraviolet (UV) emissions.
12.LED lighting can operate in extremely cold temperatures.
13.LEDs don’t contain mercury.
14.LED lights can be recycled.
15.LED lighting takes up less space in your facility.
16.LED lighting is quiet.